Journal de Québec : More RV enthusiasts than ever

On May 30, the Journal de Québec published an article featuring the Gala RV Montecarlo.

Article from Julien Cabana.

During the pandemic, sales of recreational vehicles exploded in Quebec. Many in the industry thought this trend would fade away, but it looks like it’s here to stay.

Based on the sales of dealers who took part in the Foire du VR last April at ExpoCité’s Centre de Foires, we can say that the RV world is doing well,” explains promoter Jean-Marc Pageau. According to comments made by several exhibitors, multi-million dollar sales were achieved on site, in just four days. I think the industry is doing well. Dealers who control their market are doing good business right now.

“All the exhibitors have agreed to meet again next year, from April 3 to 6. Since many of them have asked for larger spaces, I’ve reserved the entire Centre de Foires for next year.”

This optimistic view is corroborated by RV maintenance specialist and dealer himself Marco Boudreault, of E. Boudreault VR.

“The pandemic caused RV sales to explode across Quebec. People needed to get away from it all and have all the amenities they needed to enjoy their vacation. That’s when many people turned to RVs,” says the expert.

“We’ve noticed that while the sales season got off to a slow start here, as soon as the good weather arrived, it kicked off. People were hooked. We’re ahead of last year’s figures.


A survey conducted by Quebec-based manufacturer Gala RV gives us a better understanding of what people think about RV living.

The results of the survey completed in mid-February show that people like to travel in RVs, and that Class B vehicles are gaining in popularity. They allow greater freedom of movement, according to 72% of those questioned, and their fairly compact size makes them easier to drive, according to 55% of those surveyed.

In 50% of cases, respondents specified that they would be traveling in Quebec. For 72% of respondents, their RV vacation will last less than a month. Also, 45% of those interested in RV travel will opt for roadside getaways, and 38% will go to campsites.

It’s also worth noting that, thanks to the ease of travel offered by a B-Class model, road escapades attract all age groups equally, from 41% to 47%. Many call it Van Life.

Opening of the FQCC

The opening rally of the Fédération québécoise de camping et de caravaning, held in Saint-Tite, brought together 900 crews, or some 18,990 campers. On my way back from a report, I stumbled across the town of the Western Festival, and to be honest, there were RVs everywhere. The town was teeming with campers eager to take part in the various activities organized by the FQCC. Most of the people on hand were members of the organization, which has been providing essential services to RV owners for many years.

When you’re a member of the FQCC, you can benefit from important privileges at many of the businesses you may need for your outings. You can find all the information you need at, under the Privilege Guide tab.

Source : More RV enthusiasts than ever | JDQ (

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